Voodoo Tweed Cult of Your Mum


United Stoats of America

United Stoats of America #2

United Stoats of America #3

Beerbopalula 2019 - The Highlights

Beers for every taste!

Crocus Paella

We love Street Food. And we love Paella. So we cook Paella Street Food style!

Primarily at “Street Diner” (every Friday) but also in big festivals and events, private parties & weddings mostly in Brighton but also around East and West Sussex.

Our ambition is to offer a mouth watering experience to our local community and build a sustainable family business, mixing Greek entrepreneurship, Spanish recipes and Local ingredients (where possible) establishing Paella as a choice of meal in our daily diet.

We are looking forward to serving both our meat and our special seafood paella to all the lovely people at Beer Bop A Lula Festival….

So… anyone hungry?
¿Algien con hambre?